picture of chair & couchMy specialty area is clinical health psychology, and I primarily utilize cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), mindfulness-based interventions, and positive psychology interventions to help people with the following concerns:

  • Anxiety and/or depression
  • Body image and/or disordered eating
  • Health behavior problems and/or difficulty adjusting to illness/injury


I conduct teletherapy using HIPAA-compliant Zoom and am licensed in North Carolina and for residents in most states through PsyPact (see most up-to-date map of covered states here: https://psypact.site-ym.com/page/psypactmap). Teletherapy has been found to be comparably effective to in-person therapy. It also offers greater flexibility, accessibility, and privacy.

  • Initial Intake (60 minutes): The first session includes a comprehensive assessment to review your history, assess your current functioning, and create your goals for therapy. Subsequently, I will customize a treatment plan specific to your goals and preferences.
  • Therapy Sessions (45 minutes): Sessions are typically weekly or every other week, but it depends on your needs and schedule. They consist of science-supported strategies drawing from cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based interventions, and positive psychology interventions.
  • I also have several accelerated one-month treatment plans if you are highly motivated and prefer a shorter, more intensive strategy.


While I do not participate in any insurance or managed care agreements and am considered an out-of-network provider, many insurance companies provide out-of-network benefits. I can create a “super bill” with the proper codes that you can submit to your insurance company for potential reimbursement. However, your insurance may not cover this therapy or may only cover a portion of the charges. If you need to be reimbursed by your insurance, then please contact your insurance company directly for questions about coverage before making an appointment. You also have a right to a Good Faith Estimate.


Please email me at drlaurenstutts@gmail.com or call me for a free phone consultation at 704.303.8757 if you are interested in beginning treatment and/or have any questions. 

Email address: drlaurenstutts@gmail.com

Phone Number: 704.303.8757

Notice of Privacy Policies

*Keep in mind that even though I use a secure email system, there is always a risk that emails sent to or from me may be intercepted and read by unauthorized third parties. Therefore, email should not be used for urgent or highly confidential information. 
